Root Canal Treatment

If your tooth is affected by infection or injury in the dental pulp or tooth nerve, our knowledgeable dentists may recommend root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is an endodontic treatment that can restore the health and function of your smile. Endodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on the study and treatment of the dental pulp and tooth nerves. Your tooth may suffer from infection in the dental pulp and tooth nerve if you experience increased tooth sensitivity, extreme tooth pain, or swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums. Root canal therapy can effectively restore the health of the tooth and alleviate these painful symptoms.

Root canal therapy involves removing the infected dental pulp and tooth nerve. After removing the pulp and nerve, your doctor will clean the tooth and fill it in. He will then place a dental crown on the tooth to protect the tooth and restore its structure and function. In most cases, root canal therapy requires two visits to our office. Our dental team will ensure that your root canal therapy is as comfortable and painless as possible. We welcome you to call or visit our dental office today to learn more about how root canal therapy can improve the health of your smile.

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